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Traditional Reading of I Ching Hexagram 59, Dispersion

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I Ching Hexagram 59

The hexagram 59 of the I Ching, Dispersion, is made up of Wind above and Water below. The Wind acts on Water by dispersing its strength in waves. Water’s force is dispersed into air as a moisture diffused into the atmosphere. Dispersion produces an association marked by the lightness coming from the overcoming of what of what is unique to each one. The way of dispersion is that of a smooth penetration that allows them to become lighter.

Quick guide for interpretation

We must gently dissolve the problems that block progress.

ligne 6, yang
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yin
ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yang
ligne 1, yin

The two trigrams

ligne 6, yang
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yin
Top: The Gentle

Atributes: Penetrating, invisible, gentle, communicative.

Image: The Wind, the wood, the Tree.

ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yang
ligne 1, yin
Bottom: The Abysmal

Atributes: Dangerous, hidden, witty, nutrient, sensible, passage through the least resistant element.

Image: The Water, the Cloud, the Abyss.

I Ching Hexagram 58

I Ching Hexagram 60

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