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Traditional Reading of I Ching Hexagram 60, Limitation

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I Ching Hexagram 60

The hexagram 60 of the I Ching, Limitation, is composed of Water at the top and the Lake at the bottom. Limitation is a situation in which the mutual destination of two components poses the question of the correct measure to achieve. The excess Water on the Lake overflows its limits and becomes a terrible flood; a too severe restriction of Water will dry up the Lake. So the issue at stake here is the right measure to attain in order for a situation to become prosperous.

Quick guide for interpretation

We must be conscious of the importance of a good use of limits.

ligne 6, yin
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yin
ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yang
ligne 1, yang

The two trigrams

ligne 6, yin
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yin
Top: The Abysmal

Atributes: Dangerous, hidden, witty, nutrient, sensible, passage through the least resistant element.

Image: The Water, the Cloud, the Abyss.

ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yang
ligne 1, yang
Bottom: The Joyous, the Open

Atributes: Joyous, communicative, meeting point, power of association.

Image: The lake, the Swamp.

I Ching Hexagram 59

I Ching Hexagram 61

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