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Traditional Reading of I Ching Hexagram 8, Solidarity, Union

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I Ching Hexagram 8

The hexagram 8 of the I Ching, Solidarity, Union, is composed of Water on Earth. Earth is responsible for containing Water in different ways, from simple puddles up to lakes. Water brings nourishing humidity which is not immune to changes, and may eventually exhaust itself. The hexagram symbolizes a general union that covers a wide range of possible situations. However, the unique yang line at the fifth position is the sole responsible for maintaining the union of the other five yin lines, which indicates its relative fragility. For this union to last, it should be built on that simple element which may make things work together.

Quick guide for interpretation

Working with those who are complementary to us.

ligne 6, yin
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yin
ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yin
ligne 1, yin

The two trigrams

ligne 6, yin
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yin
Top: The Abysmal

Atributes: Dangerous, hidden, witty, nutrient, sensible, passage through the least resistant element.

Image: The Water, the Cloud, the Abyss.

ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yin
ligne 1, yin
Bottom: The Receptive

Atributes: Generous, abandoned, receiving, protector, preparing the new to come.

Image: The Earth, the Space.

I Ching Hexagram 7

I Ching Hexagram 9

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