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Traditional Reading of I Ching Hexagram 64, Before the Conclusion

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I Ching Hexagram 64

Like the previous hexagram of the I Ching (After the Conclusion, 63), the sense of the current one (Before the Conclusion) comes from the organization of its trigrams and lines. The upward trend of Fire differs from that of the Water down below. Before the Conclusion indicates thus a strong state of disorder which is reinforced by the fact that each yang line is in a yin position, and vice versa. However, the situation is not just marked by disorder but also by a deeper hidden order which can be seen by the harmonious sequence of its lines. This hidden order shows that, in spite of appearances, the situation tends towards a smooth completion.

Quick guide for interpretation

We must follow cautiously the new order that arrives.

ligne 6, yang
ligne 5, yin
ligne 4, yang
ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yang
ligne 1, yin

The two trigrams

ligne 6, yang
ligne 5, yin
ligne 4, yang
Top: The Clinging

Atributes: Bright, appearance, dependent, adhesive.

Image: The Fire, the Sun.

ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yang
ligne 1, yin
Bottom: The Abysmal

Atributes: Dangerous, hidden, witty, nutrient, sensible, passage through the least resistant element.

Image: The Water, the Cloud, the Abyss.

I Ching Hexagram 63

I Ching Hexagram 1

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