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Traditional Reading of I Ching Hexagram 3, Initial Difficulty

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I Ching Hexagram 3

The hexagram 3 of the I Ching, Initial Difficulty, consists of the Thunder over the Cloud. We are inside of a chaotic situation composed of intense forces. Initial Difficulty is the image of a chaotic beginning where an initial creative force must fight against imposing obstacles. This is also indicated by its lines because the yang line at the first position of the lower trigram indicates the beginning of the movement and the yang line surrounded by two yin lines in the upper trigram indicate its obstacles. We have then the description of the rich profusion that surrounds every beginning. If in such a beginning nothing is yet in its proper place, a continuous effort can produce order.

Quick guide for interpretation

The abundance of the beginning demands time and a continuous effort to produce an ordered whole.

ligne 6, yin
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yin
ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yin
ligne 1, yang

The two trigrams

ligne 6, yin
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yin
Top: The Abysmal

Atributes: Dangerous, hidden, witty, nutrient, sensible, passage through the least resistant element.

Image: The Water, the Cloud, the Abyss.

ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yin
ligne 1, yang
Bottom: The Arousing

Atributes: In movement, strong force, power to initiate.

Image: The Thunder.

I Ching Hexagram 2

I Ching Hexagram 4

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