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Traditional Reading of I Ching Hexagram 25, Innocence

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I Ching Hexagram 25

The hexagram 25 of the I Ching, Innocence, associates the creative force of Heaven to the power of Thunder to initiate movement. Its meaning is somewhat abstract as it concerns the problem of beginning a creative movement, which is done by innocence alone. This implies that a creative movement does not spring from ulterior motives but begins in pure innocence. It is by setting itself in motion that creativity opens ways and creates meanings which are really new.

Quick guide for interpretation

Innocence allows the creation of something new.

ligne 6, yang
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yang
ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yin
ligne 1, yang

The two trigrams

ligne 6, yang
ligne 5, yang
ligne 4, yang
Top: The Creator

Atributes: Strong, beginning, new, active.

Image: The Sky, the Time.

ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yin
ligne 1, yang
Bottom: The Arousing

Atributes: In movement, strong force, power to initiate.

Image: The Thunder.

I Ching Hexagram 24

I Ching Hexagram 26

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