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Traditional Reading of I Ching Hexagram 24, The Return

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I Ching Hexagram 24

The meaning of the hexagram 24 of the I Ching, The Return, is defined by the movement of reintroducing a yang line after its expulsion in the previous hexagram (Breaking Up, 23). The creative power is back again to start a new cycle. The situation defines itself then as being a beginning. It constitutes a new opportunity for the development of possibilities which must be conducted with care and kindness.

Quick guide for interpretation

We must be prepared for a new beginning.

ligne 6, yin
ligne 5, yin
ligne 4, yin
ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yin
ligne 1, yang

The two trigrams

ligne 6, yin
ligne 5, yin
ligne 4, yin
Top: The Receptive

Atributes: Generous, abandoned, receiving, protector, preparing the new to come.

Image: The Earth, the Space.

ligne 3, yin
ligne 2, yin
ligne 1, yang
Bottom: The Arousing

Atributes: In movement, strong force, power to initiate.

Image: The Thunder.

I Ching Hexagram 23

I Ching Hexagram 25

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