Traditional Reading of I Ching Hexagram 52, Stillness |
I Ching Hexagram 52
As the previous hexagram, Bursting, 51, the current hexagram is composed by the repetition of the same trigram. Here the Mountain is repeated, meaning by that a situation marked by the force of immobility. The term Stillness indicates that immobility is not opposed to motion, as in Western tradition, but is one of its modes. Stillness means a movement atuned to itself as it stops or accelerates according to what it should do. The hexagrams advises to keep still and so find the central point through which we can profit from the stability of the movement.
Quick guide for interpretation
Stillness allows us to be in accord with the changing conditions of movement.
The two trigrams
Top: Immobilisation |
Immobile, high, protected, close to the sky, far away.
Image: The Mountain. |
Immobile, high, protected, close to the sky, far away.
Image: The Mountain.
I Ching Hexagram 51 |
I Ching Hexagram 53 |